
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bundi and Pomegranate Raita

Have you ever tasted raita made of Bundi and pomegranate? No? Then you must try this out to have some change! Here is the recipe.


  1. Bundi – ¾ cup
  2. Pomegranate – ¾ cup
  3. Curd (yogurt) – 1 ½ cup
  4. Cumin powder to taste
  5. Red chili powder to taste
  6. Salt to taste

  1. Add salt in curd and mix it well.
  2. Then add Bundi and pomegranate in it.
  3. Put the raita in fridge and add cumin powder and red chili powder at the time you serve.
  4. You can also add fresh leaves of coriander to make it tastier.
You may also like other recipes of Raita Here.