
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Yummy Chocolate cake

Chocolate cake is the favorite of all including children and elder people. Make chocolate cake this Christmas and make your children and family happy. Here is the recipe.


1.       Wheat flour – 225 gram

2.       Caster sugar – 350 gram

3.       Coco powder – 80 gram

4.       Baking powder – 1 ½ tbsp.

5.       Baking soda – 1 ½ tbsp.

6.       Milk – 250 ml

7.       Vegetable oil – 125 ml

8.       Vanilla essence – 2 tbsp.

9.       Hot water – 250 ml

For chocolate icing:


1.       Plain chocolate – 200 gram

2.       Double cream – 200 gram

3.       Chocolate chips – 1 tbsp.

4.       Chocolates bar – 3 to 4

How to make chocolate cake?

1.       Preheat oven at 180 degree.
2.       Except hot water and icing ingredients, mix all the ingredients of cake and mix it well till it becomes soft.
3.       After that add hot water in it.
4.       Divide cake mixture in two parts and put it in baking tray and bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
5.       When the cake is baked put it aside to chill. For icing of cake first of all take one saucepan. Add chocolate and cream in it and put it at low gas till it is melted.
6.       Now, put it aside and stir till it becomes soft and thick.
7.       Leave it for 1 or 2 hours to chill.
8.       After that take out the cake slowly from baking plate.
9.       Spread the icing chocolate and put another cake on it. (We have divided cake in two parts)
10.   Now, put the cake on serving plate and decorate it with icing chocolate. Add chocolate chips and chocolate bars to garnish.

Your yummy chocolate cake is ready to serve!

Kiwi fruit cake

Yummy! Another Christmas cake… Make your Christmas special this time and make it more pleasant with your family and friends. Here is the recipe.


1.       Wheat flour – 2 cup

2.       Baking powder – 1 ½ tbsp.

3.       Baking soda – 1 tbsp.

4.       Cardamom (Elchi) – ½ tbsp.

5.       Butter – 125 gram

6.       Honey – 2 tbsp.

7.       Sugar – 1 cup

8.       Chopped kiwi – 3 ½ cup

For icing:

1.       Cream cheese – 250 gram
2.       Caster sugar – 2 tbsp.
3.       Lemon juice – 1

How to make this yummy cake?

1.       Preheat oven with 160 degree.
2.       Add wheat flour, baking powder, soda, and cardamom (Elchi) in one bowl and put it aside.
3.       Add butter, honey, and sugar in one bowl and stir it till it becomes creamy. After that add kiwi and mixture of flour in it and mix it well.
4.       Now put the mixture in baking plate and leave it for 40 to 45 minutes.
5.       When the cake is ready put it aside to chill. Decorate it with slices of kiwi.
6.       For icing of cake mix the cream cheese and mix it well till it becomes soft. After that add caster sugar in it and lemon juice. Put the mixture in fridge and leave it for 30 minutes.
7.       Now, spread this icing on cake and garnish it with kiwi slices.

Your yummy kiwi fruit cake is ready to serve!

Sweet corn crunch cake

Yummy cakes especially for Christmas! What are you making for this Christmas? Try this yummy and delicious cake and make your family and friends happiest. Here is the recipe.


1.       Boiled sweet corn – 1 ½ cup

2.       Corn flour – 60 gram

3.       Baking soda – 1 tbsp.

4.       Baking powder – 1 tbsp.

5.       Butter – 1 tbsp.

6.       Condensed milk – 2 tbsp.

7.       Cornflakes – ½ cup

8.       Grated almonds – 2 tbsp.

9.       Sugar – 1 tbsp.

10.   Cherry – for garnishing

Method to make this yummy cake:

1.       Preheat the oven at 170 degree and make puree of sweet corn.
2.       Mix corn flour, baking soda, and powder in one bowl.
3.       Add 1 tbsp. butter and condensed milk in another bowl and mix it well. Add sweet corn puree in it and mix well.
4.       Spread butter in baking mold and add the cake mixture in it.
5.       Now add cornflakes, grated almonds, sugar, and 1 tbsp. butter in one bowl and spread on this mixture of cake.
6.       Put this mixture of cake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes to bake.
7.       When the cake is done in oven take it out and garnish it with cherry if you want. Your yummy sweet corn crunch cake is ready to serve!

Make you Christmas more enjoyable with yummy cakes!

Candy crunch cheese cake

Christmas special cake! Here is the recipe of yummy candy crunch cheese cake. Enjoy the taste of this candy crunch cheesy cake on Christmas and have fun. Here is the recipe.


1.       Gum candies – 150 gram

2.       Cream cheese – 400 gram

3.       Double cream – 150 ml

4.       Chocolate bar – 2 to 3

5.       Corn flakes – 10 gram

6.       Chocolate cookies – 10 to 15

7.       Butter – 60 gram

8.       Gelatin – 2 tbsp.

How to make this yummy cake?

1.       Mix cream cheese and double cream in one bowl.
2.       Chop chocolates and candies and spread corn flour on it. Add it in the mixture of cheese and mix it well.
3.       Chop cookies and add some chopped cookies in cheese mixture. Add the remaining chopped cookies in bowl and add butter in it. Mix it properly.
4.       Melt the gelatin in ¼ cup water and add it in cheese mixture.
5.       Now take one cake mold and add cookies mixture in it. Set it properly and add the cream cheese mixture on it. Put it in fridge.
6.       When the cake is set properly cut it in pieces and serve!

Merry Christmas!