
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Candy crunch cheese cake

Christmas special cake! Here is the recipe of yummy candy crunch cheese cake. Enjoy the taste of this candy crunch cheesy cake on Christmas and have fun. Here is the recipe.


1.       Gum candies – 150 gram

2.       Cream cheese – 400 gram

3.       Double cream – 150 ml

4.       Chocolate bar – 2 to 3

5.       Corn flakes – 10 gram

6.       Chocolate cookies – 10 to 15

7.       Butter – 60 gram

8.       Gelatin – 2 tbsp.

How to make this yummy cake?

1.       Mix cream cheese and double cream in one bowl.
2.       Chop chocolates and candies and spread corn flour on it. Add it in the mixture of cheese and mix it well.
3.       Chop cookies and add some chopped cookies in cheese mixture. Add the remaining chopped cookies in bowl and add butter in it. Mix it properly.
4.       Melt the gelatin in ¼ cup water and add it in cheese mixture.
5.       Now take one cake mold and add cookies mixture in it. Set it properly and add the cream cheese mixture on it. Put it in fridge.
6.       When the cake is set properly cut it in pieces and serve!

Merry Christmas!

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