
Friday, February 28, 2014

Thai corn soup

Soup is always good for health. Here is the recipe of Thai corn soup.


1.       Corn – 5 tsp.

2.       Oil – 1 tsp.

3.       Coconut milk – half cup

4.       Lemon grass – 2 inch

5.       Ocimum tenuiflorum leaves (Tulsi) – 5

6.       Chopped onion – 2 tsp.

7.       Vegetable stalk – 3 cup

8.       Red curry paste – 1 tsp.

9.       Red chilli – 1

10.   Ginger – half piece

11.   Lemon – 3 to 4 half pieces

12.   Lemon juice – 1 tsp.

Process to make Thai corn soup:

1.       Heat pan with little oil and add chopped onion. Cook it till it becomes slight pink.
2.       Then add ginger and lemon grass slices. Mix well.
3.       Now add red chilli, vegetable stalk, and red curry paste. Mix well.
4.       Add lemon juice, lemon pieces, 4 Ocimum tenuiflorum leaves (tulsi), salt, and coconut milk. Boil it.
5.       When soup is boiled, serve in serving bowl. Garnish it with Ocimum tenuiflorum leaves.

Your Thai corn soup is ready to eat!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Diet that improves fertility

In today’s busy life deficiency of fertility in women is common. If you are healthy then you can conceive easily and don’t face any complications during pregnancy. If you have proper diet plan then it can be possible. Let’s have a look at healthy diet tips that improves your fertility.

When women plan for pregnancy they have to manage weight especially. When one have very low weight or very high weight they can’t conceive easily. To increase fertility or reduce weight you need to take proper balanced diet. Stay away from the drinks that contain caffeine. Moreover, when you take tea, coffee, and cold drinks it effects on your fertility. If you take 1 or 2 cups of coffee per day then it won’t harm your fertility. However, more than that can cause harmful effect on your health. Let’s look at some useful tips for diet that improves fertility:

Keep your weight reduced: When you are overweight then you have to face problems in conceiving. First of all reduce weight. With the help of balanced diet and daily exercise you can reduce weight and conceive easily.

Food with enough protein: Whole grams, green gram, beans, soya beans, paneer (made from the milk without fat) are suggested to use daily. Prefer to eat gram in lunch or dinner every day. Make use of milk items and items that are fat free. When you have removed fat from milk then it is preferable to make curd, paneer from it and eat.

Fresh fruits and vegetables: fresh fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidant which helps women to improve fertility and conceive. Moreover, green vegetables and fruits contain folate. Folate is necessary for healthy pregnancy. It helps to increase fertility.

Food with Omega-3: Food with omega-3 helps to manage the level of water in your body. Avocado, dry fruits and flax seeds contains enough omega-3 and it develops fertility.

Follow these steps and see the changes in your health! Stay healthy and eat healthy!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

High Calorie Grilled Toast

Grilled toast! Yummy… here is the recipe of high calorie grilled toast.


1.       Whole-wheat bread – 6 slices

2.       Grated cheese – 4 tsp.

3.       Paneer – 6 tsp. (homemade)

4.       Onion – 1

5.       Tomato – 1

6.       Capsicum – 1

7.       Green chilli – 1

8.       Boiled green gram (mung) – 3 tsp.

9.       Salt and black pepper to taste

10.   Chilli sauce – 1 tsp.

11.   Chopped coriander – 2 tsp.

12.   Melted butter – 2 tsp.

13.   Tomato ketchup to serve

Process to make high calorie grilled toast:

1.       Chop onion with small pieces. Do the same for tomato, capsicum, and green chilli.
2.       Heat pan with little butter and put onion. Cook for some time till it becomes slight pink. After that add green gram and paneer in it and mix well.
3.       When this mixture is cold add other vegetables, salt, and black pepper powder. Add chilli sauce and coriander and make filling. Mix well.
4.       Remove the hard portion of bread. Spread the filling we made on three slices of bread. Spread butter on other three slices of bread. Put the butter bread slices on the bread slices with filling. Push it carefully and make sandwich.
5.       Spread butter on both sides of griller or spread butter on nonstick and cook it till it becomes slight golden brown.

Your tasty and yummy high calorie grilled toast is ready to serve. Serve hot with tomato ketchup.

Summer salad

Summer is coming and salad is good health. Here is the recipe.


1.       Watermelon cubes – 2 cup

2.       Pineapple cubes – 1 cup

3.       Boiled corn pieces – 1 cup

4.       Cucumber cubes – 1 cup

5.       Salt to taste

6.       Grated carrot – 2 tsp. (To garnish)

Ingredients for dressing:

1.       Ginger – ½ tsp.

2.       Lemon juice – 2 tsp.

3.       Honey – 1 tsp.

4.       Curd – 1 tsp.

5.       Milk powder – 1 tsp.

6.       Salt to taste

Process to make summer salad:

1.       Gather all ingredients of dressing in bowl and put it in fridge.
2.       Gather other ingredients in another bowl and put it in fridge.
3.       After some time put it out and mix the ingredients when you serve.

Garnish it with grated carrot and it is ready to serve!

You can add more fruits if you want to.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Strawberry jam

Do you know how to make strawberry jam? Here is the recipe for you.


1.       Strawberry – 1 ½ kg.

2.       Sugar – 4 cups

3.       Citric acid – 1 tsp.

Process to make Strawberry jam:

1.       Removes leaves of strawberry and wash it properly.
2.       Put strawberries in heavy pan and boil it.
3.       After strawberry is boiled crush it and add sugar & citric acid. Mix it well.
4.       Let the sugar melted and when the jam is set you can put it in airtight jar.

Your strawberry jam is ready to eat.

(Note: Citric acid is not harmful for your health. It is added in food to make its taste better.)