
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Summer salad

Summer is coming and salad is good health. Here is the recipe.


1.       Watermelon cubes – 2 cup

2.       Pineapple cubes – 1 cup

3.       Boiled corn pieces – 1 cup

4.       Cucumber cubes – 1 cup

5.       Salt to taste

6.       Grated carrot – 2 tsp. (To garnish)

Ingredients for dressing:

1.       Ginger – ½ tsp.

2.       Lemon juice – 2 tsp.

3.       Honey – 1 tsp.

4.       Curd – 1 tsp.

5.       Milk powder – 1 tsp.

6.       Salt to taste

Process to make summer salad:

1.       Gather all ingredients of dressing in bowl and put it in fridge.
2.       Gather other ingredients in another bowl and put it in fridge.
3.       After some time put it out and mix the ingredients when you serve.

Garnish it with grated carrot and it is ready to serve!

You can add more fruits if you want to.

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