
Monday, April 28, 2014

Chinese Style Vegetable

Tired of eating the same food items every day? Try out this Chinese style vegetable today to change your taste. Here is the recipe.


1.       Potatoes (medium size) – 4
2.       Green onion – 2
3.       Capsicum (small) – 1
4.       Corn flour – 2 tsp.
5.       Salt to taste
6.       Cloves of garlic – 5
7.       Fresh Ginger (half)
8.       Green chili – 1
9.       Tomato ketchup – 1 tsp.
10.   Soya sauce – 1 tsp.
11.   Chili sauce – half tsp.
12.   Oil – 3 tsp.


1.       Boil potatoes and keep it slight hard. Remove peel of it and make slices. Remove peel of green onions and chop into pieces. Take the green part of onion when you chop. Chop capsicum in ring shape.
2.       Mix corn flour in half cup water and add ketchup, chilli sauce, and soya sauce in it.
3.       Chop garlic cloves in small pieces. Grate ginger. Chop green chili into small pieces.
4.       Heat pan with oil and add chopped vegetables. Cook for some time.
5.       Heat another pan with 1 tsp. oil and add garlic, ginger, and chili. Then add corn flour mixture in it. Mix well and add salt.
6.       Cook for some time and its ready to serve!

Ingredients of this recipe are easily available and it’s easy to make at home.

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