
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Strawberry Cocktail

Want to try something different and chilled this summer? Try out strawberry cocktail at home and enjoy with your family. Here is the Recipe.


1.       Crushed ice – 1 cup

2.       Strawberry crushed – 8 tbsp.

3.       Lemon juice – 6 tsp.

4.       Orange juice – 4 tsp.

5.       Melted sugar – 6 tsp.

6.       Strawberry slices – 8

7.       Carbonated chilled lemon flavored soft drink – 2 bottle

8.       Strawberry for garnishing – 4 pieces


1.       Cover ¼ part of serving glass with crushed ice.
2.       Add 2 tbsp. strawberry crush, 1 and half tsp. lemon juice, 1 and half tbsp. melted sugar, and 1 and half tbsp. orange juice in glass and mix well.
3.       Repeat the above step twice to make more 3 glasses.
4.       Add tow strawberry slices, ½ carbonated chilled lemon flavoured sift drink in each glass. Garnish glass with strawberry slices.

Serve it after that only and enjoy with your family!

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