Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Brinjal and pomegranate salad

Tasty and yummy Brinjal & pomegranate salad recipe is for you!


1.       Brinjal – 1

2.       Pomegranate pieces – 4 tsp.

3.       Extra virgin olive oil – 1 tsp.

4.       Regular olive oil – 5 to 6 tsp.

5.       Curd – 1 cup

6.       Mustard paste – 5 tsp.

7.       Salt to taste

8.       Black pepper powder to taste

9.       Ginger paste – 1 tsp.

10.   Honey – 2 tsp.

11.   Mint leaves – 6 to 8 pieces

How to make this tasty salad?

1.       Put olive oil in nonstick pan. Cut brinjal in long pieces and fry it.
2.       Add curd, mustard powder, salt, black pepper powder, and ginger paste in bowl. Mix well.
3.       Then add extra virgin oil and honey in the mixture mix well and out it in fridge for some time.
4.       Add brinjal slices in another bowl and spread curd mixture on slices.
5.       Now put other brinjal slices on it and spread 2 tsp. pomegranate pieces and mint leaves.

Your yummy and tasty brinjal & pomegranate salad is ready to serve!

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