Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Noodles & Paneer Rolls

Try out this delicious Noodles & Paneer Rolls. Here is the recipe.


1.       Boiled noodles – 1 small bowl

2.       Paneer – 2 tsp. (homemade)

3.       Chopped Green onion (small pieces) – 4 tsp.

4.       Chopped coriander (small pieces) – 1 tsp.

5.       Soya sauce – 1 tsp.

6.       Oil – 1 tsp.

7.       Refined flour – 1 ½ small bowl

8.       Oil – 2 tsp.

9.       Salt to taste

10.   Oil to fry

11.   Refined flour paste

12.   Tomato ketchup to serve

Process to make these yummy rolls:

1.       Add salt and oil in refined flour and make mixture.
2.       Heat pan with 1 tsp. oil and add capsicum & green onion. Then after sometime add paneer, green chilli, and soya sauce. Add boiled noodles and stir carefully so the ingredients are mixed well.
3.       With the refined flour make round, thin, and big chapatti. In the middle of chapatti add the mixture of noodles we made.
4.       Fold the chapatti from both sides. With the use of refined flour paste cover the sides of roll. Make all rolls with this method only.
5.       Heat pan with oil and fry rolls till it becomes slight pink. After frying put it on paper napkin.

And your Noodles & Paneer Rolls are ready to serve! Serve it with chilli sauce or tomato ketchup! Enjoy eating.

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