Thursday, March 20, 2014

Beetroot soup

The beetroot also known as table beet in North America is one of the refined varieties of beet grown for their edible taproots particularly B. Here is the recipe of beetroot soup. Healthy soup recipe!


1.       Chopped beets – 3

2.       Oil – 2 tbsp.

3.       Holy basil leaves (tulsi in Hindi) – 2 to 3 leaves

4.       Chopped onion – 2

5.       Chopped Bottle gourd (Lauki in Hindi) - half

6.       Chopped carrots – 2

7.       Garlic paste – 6 to 8

8.       Black pepper powder – 1 tbsp.

9.       Salt to taste

10.   Chopped coriander for garnishing

Method to make this healthy soup:

1.       Heat cooker with oil and add holy basil (tulsi), chopped onion, and beet. Mix it well.
2.       Then add bottle gourd (lauki), carrot, garlic paste, black pepper powder, salt, and 4 cup water. Let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes.
3.       When the beet is boiled blend it with mixture and make smooth puree of it.
4.       Heat the nonstick pan and add soup in it. Cook for some time.
5.       Take it out in a serving bowl when it is thick. Garnish it with coriander leaves.

The healthy beetroot soup is ready to eat!

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