Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Plum Jam

Try out this yummy plum jam and change your taste and mood as well. Here is the recipe.


1.       Plum – 250 gram

2.       Sugar – 250 gram

3.       Citric acid – ¼ tsp.

4.       Water – 3 cup


1.       Put plums in water and cook for some time till it becomes soft.
2.       Now add sugar and citric acid in it. Cook till the jam is not set.
3.       When the jam is set keep it aside for some time and then you can save it in airtight jar.

How simple it is to make plum jam!

Note: Citric acid is a weak organic acid and natural preservative that is used to add sour taste to foods or drinks. It is good for skin care, mineral absorption, throat infections, kidneys, and skin color. It is not harmful for health.

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